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Jan 2, 2007

Boeing Lands GPS III Contract

Boeing has successfully completed a review of its Global Positioning System Segment III program and has been awarded a $50 million contract for additional system design.

The review is part of a $10 million follow-on order to the Phase A Concept Development Contract awarded in 2004. The U.S. Air Force is expected to award the multi-billion dollar GPS III contract in 2007 with an initial launch scheduled for 2013.

"GPS III will provide transformational capabilities, such as anti-jamming, to our customer and our warfighters, along with better accuracy and interoperability with Europe's Galileo system for our civil and commercial users" said Boeing GPS Program Director John Duddy.

Boeing is currently producing 12 GPS Block IIF satellites. The first of those satellites is scheduled for launch this year.

See also, Air Force Considers Outsiders for GPS Work.
