GeoCarta Has Moved

Nov 3, 2007

GPS Gadget of the Week: Spot

In yet another attempt by technology companies to make the wilderness a little less wild, SPOT, Inc. has announced what it says is the world’s first satellite messenger. The SPOT satellite messenger can transmit a user’s exact location and message to a 9-1-1 emergency call center, or to friends, family or co-workers to request help, track their location, or just keep in touch. Because SPOT uses the GPS system to determine a location and transmits over a commercial satellite network, the device works in much of the world regardless of cellular coverage. The users location can be viewed using the SPOT Web service with included Google Maps™ technology.

The device is supposed to be on the shelves of major outdoor, online, wireless and electronics retailers later this month, just in time for the holidays. The SPOT will cost Santa about $170. However, if you find one under your tree this Christmas, your joy may be tempered by the fact that the system requires an annual service fee of $100.
