Mapping Firms Tout New Handheld Applications in Vegas

NAVTEQ focused on its digital maps for handheld devices, unveiling Discover Cities, a pedestrian relevant guide, as well as its suite of traffic solutions. The firm says that Discover Cities bundles maps as well as other data for location aware devices, such as cellphones and PDAs in much the same way a traditional tourist guide would.
NAVTEQ’s traffic solutions featured a real time demonstration of the firm's ability to incorporate real-time traffic flow data from probe sources into its maps. Probe data is generated whenever a GPS connected vehicle, such as a delivery truck reports its location.
Trimble Navigation introduced its GuideWorx GPS application. GuideWorx GPS transforms a mobile phone into a handheld GPS device for both on- and off-road navigation. The application allows users to access off-road maps as well as retrieve turn-by-turn directions in real-time on their GPS-enabled phone. GuideWorx GPS is aimed at the outdoors enthusiast.
Tele Atlas teamed up with a number of partners to demonstrate its latest location-based services (LBS) and personal navigation (PNAV) applications, which are based on the firm's digital maps. Users can access the digital maps and other information from anywhere, using their computers, mobile phones or other handheld personal devices. Joy Morel, Tele Atlas Consumer Markets Director said “PNAV is one of the fastest growing ‘must-have’ technologies for consumers, as well as for the consumer electronics manufacturers and wireless carriers focused on developing innovative applications to serve this growing market.”
Spelling and grammar corrected 01/14/07 (I was up late).
Photo courtesy of the Las Vegas News Bureau/LVCVA.
Labels: Digital Maps, GPS, Location Based Solutions
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